Vestige Amla Capsules benefits, side effects, dosage, Usage

Hi Readers, Today we will talk about Vestige Amla Capsules benefitsside effects, dosage, Usage, price and how it effective or not.
Vestige Amla Capsules come from Indian gooseberry or amla which is a tree that develops in India, the Middle East, and some southeast Asian nations.

Amla has been utilized in Ayurvedic prescription for a great many years. Amla is still utilized to make Amla capsules.It is taken by mouth for elevated cholesterol, diabetes, getting rid of pain and swelling of the pancreas, malignancy, troubled stomach, eye issues, joint torment, the runs, ridiculous looseness of the bowels (diarrhea), osteoarthritis, stoutness, organ reclamation, and for a skin issue that causes unpigmented skin.
It is likewise used to eliminate germs and diminish agony and swelling caused by the body’s response to damage or sickness.The Vestige Capsules works by lessening all out cholesterol levels, including the unsaturated fats called triglycerides, without influencing dimensions of the great cholesterol called high-thickness lipoprotein.
Amla is a rich source of Vitamin C, which is demonstrated as an immune system promoter. It likewise contains basic minerals and amino acids alongside other crucial supplements.
It helps in getting alleviation from a sore throat, influenza and so forth. Vestige Amla capsules have cooling properties and are extremely painful for the stomach related framework.


1. Detoxification:

Amla capsules help in detoxifying with its rich cell reinforcement content. On a fundamental dimension, detoxification starts with getting rid of stomach fire forms the track and amla adjusts Agni all through the body.Moreover, the end of poisons depends on solid dissemination, assimilation, and disposal, and amla underpins each of the three of these functions.
Amla additionally cleans and purifies the blood, the liver, and the spleen, and is in this way ready to help the end of common poisons while sustaining and ensuring the body’s characteristic barrier systems.
The proper end is basically vital to the detoxification procedure and amla cultivates entrail wellbeing and normality as well.
A little portion of amla is official and astringent in its impact while a bigger portion tenderly empowers elimination.

2. Digestion:

Amla capsules help in animating and toning the principal phase of digestion. Amla likewise enhances craving and arouses the Agni or the stomach related fire, which are both at the center of sound processing.
These capsules also help in purifying and ensuring the liver, which assumes a basic job in changing food into physiologically valuable nourishment.
Because Pitta and Agni are so personally associated, the strength of the stomach related fire endures when pitta is disturbed.
Amla is especially suited to clearing abundance pitta from the stomach related tract; its harsh taste and cooling vitality help to flush overabundance warm out through the bowel.
Amla can be particularly strong to assimilation amid the late spring months when warm will in general gather in the body, especially for those with pitta-overwhelming constitutions.

3. Help in rejuvenating the whole body

The Vestige Amla capsules also help in rejuvenating the whole body. In particular, it advances energy, reinforces the immune system, tones all the body tissues and advances the general wellbeing.
It is also known to help the brain, it advances memory, and its sattvic nature cultivates unobtrusive mindfulness, adjusted feelings, and lucidity of mind.


1. The Amla capsules may build the danger of draining or wounding in a few people. On the off chance that you have a draining issue, make sure that intake the capsules with an absolute alert.

2. Diabetes:

The Vestige Amla Capsules may diminish glucose levels.

3. Liver infection:

In principle, taking amla capsules may aggravate liver capacity in individuals with a liver ailment. In any case, it’s not known whether taking Indian gooseberry alone can have these impacts.

4. Medical procedure:

Quit taking the amla capsules somewhere around about fourteen days before a booked medical procedure. Or if you must then do it with proper medical consultation.


Although the correct dose of the amla capsules depends on many factors like age and health conditions. However, it is important to keep in mind that the excess of everything can be bad.

Vestige Ganoderma Capsules Benefits

In this article, we will describe the Vestige Ganoderma Capsules and it’s BenefitsDosage, and Reviews in 2019.
Ganoderma is a kind of mushroom in which there are powerful cancer prevention agents, which help in reinforcing the resistant framework and detoxifying the body.It is otherwise called a superfood because of its different mending capacities. It has been for a great many years.
It was likewise called by another name like “lord of mushrooms” and “lingzhi mushroom” as it gives better invulnerable capacity and mental lucidity.
It likewise encourages us to manage the negative impacts of pressure, for example, expanded aggravation, exhausted vitality levels, harmed veins and different sorts of hormonal irregular characteristics.The lingzhi mushroom is acknowledged for its power to reduce the malignancy impacts. It can actuate regular executioner cells, expanding their action and furthermore the body’s capacity to battle tumors.
Enhancing Ganoderma decreases the probabilities of metastasis, that is once disease spreads to an alternate a piece of the body.
Vestige Ganoderma capsules are prepared to scale the framework action back after the framework is done, and the framework is reinforced after the framework ends up feeble. As a rule, it will expand the number of dynamic framework cells.


Ganoderma is the most antacid nourishment on the planet. It is additionally named as Ganoderma Lucidum and it is a type of red mushrooms.
It has been utilized for over 200 years and it has many demonstrated medical advantages. It was before alluded to as “Herb of Spiritual Potency”.
Numerous individuals in more seasoned occasions utilized this ponder homegrown prescription in the expectation of acquiring interminability and tranquility.Ganoderma lucidum is utilized for a wide assortment of malignant growth related treatments. It has turned out to be a viable treatment for the treatment of infections like the bosom disease, hepatitis, weakness disorder, and prostate malignant growth.
It before became just in the wild however is presently developed by numerous agriculturists in unique ranches and gardens.
It is developed utilizing the tissue culture technique. The procedure utilizes a divergent partition system to hold the supplements.


It has soothing properties that invigorate the body and quieten the nerves. It elevates stamina and continuance to battle exhaustion and sicknesses.
It helps the blood course, supports invigorates the body. As a detoxifier, it wipes out poisons from the body amassed through the admission of fluctuated meds and keeps up the body balance.It conjointly keeps up security and certification the harmony between inward and outside body conditions. It upgrades the general prosperity of the blood since it could be a made supply of basic nutrients and supplements.


Tumor Growth and Cancer:

It contains a few sorts of the vital enemy of malignancy supplements, including cancer prevention agents, beta-glucans, and amino acids.It contains polysaccharides, which is a water-dissolvable sort of supplement and found in sugar nourishments and it has hostile to tumor capacities.

Liver Function and Detoxification:

It can help in enhancing liver capacity and avoid liver ailment, bringing about various medical advantages.
It enables waste and poisons to be expelled from the body all the more effectively and effortlessly, enhancing resistance against ailments.

Heart Health and Blood Pressure:

It contains Triterpene which has the advantages of cholesterol alongside pulse bringing down capacities since they help in low aggravation inside the veins and supply route while reestablishing hormonal parity.
Hormonal issues once in a while can cause High circulatory strain or elevated cholesterol issues, including thyroid issue or high measures of pressure, so it reestablishes ideal hormonal dimensions and furthermore reinforce the generally cardiovascular framework.It can likewise enhance generally blood flow, bring down irritation averts heart issues and elevated cholesterol levels.

The remedy for Kidney Disease:

It is additionally exceptionally accommodating for different kidney infection incorporating nephritis, diabetic renal disorder, and nephritis.Every one of these infections happens because of high glucose and cholesterol levels in the body. Over-burden kidney keeps the blood from achieving the renal vessels.
This causes weariness, pee maintenance, and uremia. It brings down proteinuria and cholesterolemia, keeping up appropriate renal capacity.

Muscle Relaxant:

It has been utilized broadly for its muscle unwinding and torment hindering properties. It is trusted that the Ganoderma can likewise treat anorexia and debility following a constant infection.


Ganoderma postpones early maturing and advances the expansion in cell division. It additionally adds to longer life expectancies.This awesome drug deals with the absolute most perilous age conditions and immune system illnesses like malignancy and other neurodegenerative infections.

Vestige Calcium Benefits, Dosage, Uses Tablets.

In this article, we will discuss Vestige Calcium benefits, dosage, and reviews in 2019.
Vestige calcium is a product which was made to help in building and maintaining strong and healthy bones. As we know, calcium is very important for our body bones.Vestige Calcium tablets not only provide strength to our bones but also to our teeth. It contains vitamin D3 which helps to increase bone density and reduce the chance of fracture.
Vestige Calcium helps in osteoporosis, especially in women and children.
Calcium is utilized for treatment and aversion of low calcium levels and coming about bone conditions including osteoporosis, rickets, and osteomalacia.Calcium is likewise utilized for the treatment of the premenstrual disorder (PMS), leg spasms in pregnancy, hypertension in pregnancy, and diminishing the danger of colon and rectal tumors.
A few people utilize calcium for complexities after an intestinal medical procedure, hypertension, elevated cholesterol, Lyme illness, to lessen high fluoride levels in kids, and to decrease high lead levels.
Calcium carbonate is utilized as an acid neutralizer for “indigestion.” Calcium carbonate and calcium acetic acid derivation are likewise utilized for lessening phosphate levels in individuals with kidney illness.
Calcium-rich nourishments incorporate drain and dairy items, kale and broccoli, and in addition, the calcium-enhanced citrus juices, mineral water, canned fish with bones, and soy items handled with calcium.

Vestige Calcium benefits:

1. Makes the bones solid:

Calcium fortifies the foundation of the spine, and gives the body the correct shape and diminishes the agony of the back.
Calcium keeps up bones in the correct shape and jelly from numerous issues, for example, joint inflammation and osteoporosis.

2. Prevents obesity:

Calcium productively maintains the ideal body weight in people. In the event that the body is lacking in calcium, the body discharges parathyroid hormone, making the bones discharge calcium into the circulatory system. It keeps the calcium balance in the body.

3. Security of Cardiac Muscles:

Calcium secures the heart muscles. The right measure of calcium help is given in the compression of heart muscles.
Calcium helps in the control of the sensory system’s courses weight. Abundance cell calcium is expected to contract cardiovascular mumps.

4. Rescue from colon malignant growth:

Calcium in the perfect for keeping away the danger of disease and helps the colo to not get any sort of cancerous growth. This is the reason why it is considered as carcinogenic.

5. Prevention from menstrual depression:

The right measure of calcium is kept from bleeding indications, for example, gloom, laziness, state of mind swings, hypertension.
Calcium influences the release of hormones, which is in charge of changes in conduct before the feminine cycle. It additionally incorporates gloom and irritability.

6. Ensure sound soluble pH level:

Unhealthy food, an over the top sugar consumption, jam nourishment body create parts corrosiveness in the body.
It offers rise in numerous sicknesses, for example, malignancy, kidney stones, and hypertension and so on. Calcium Healthy controls pH level and enhances in general wellbeing.

7. Controls the blood pressure:

The solid eating regimen wipes out hypertension, it is a run of the mill American eating routine, which has been contrasted with a natural product, vegetable, and calcium.The outcomes demonstrate that taking calcium maintains the blood pressure. In general, taking the perfect measure of foods grown from the ground or the controlling pulse is the right measure of calcium.

Side Effects of Vestige Calcium:

  • Too much of calcium leads to a poor kidney function in the human body. The risk of having a weaker and feeble kidney becomes high if the consumption of calcium is too much.
  • People who have a habit of smoking often are able to absorb lesser calcium from the stomach.
  • People who are suffering from hypothyroidism should not take calcium supplements. I case the doctor has advised them to then it is best to make sure that there is a gap of at least four hours between the medications of thyroid and calcium supplement.


    100 Tabs – 120 Rs

spirulina क्यों है शाकाहारी सुपर फ़ूड ? vestige spirulina capsules benefits in hindi

मस्कार दोस्तों आज इस लेख में हम जानेगे की spirulina क्या है ? 
 vestige spirulina  एक प्रकार की आमतोर पर पाई जाने वाली शेवाल जैसी वनस्पति है यह ताज़ा पानी के झीलों प्राकृतिक झरनों और खारे पानी में उत्पन्न होती है .यह पानी में गहरे हरे रंग की दिखाई देती है . आपको जानकर शायद यकीन नही होगा की इसमें खाद्य पदार्थ से भी ज्यादा पोषक तत्व पाय जाते हैं .इसीलिए इसे सुपर फ़ूड ने नाम से भी जाना जाता है .यह कई प्रकार के vitamin , minral, पोषक तत्वों और protien से भरा होता है .इसके अलावा इसमें पोटाशियम, केल्सियम, सेलेनियम और जिंक भी पाया जाता है .इस पोधे को भोजन से साथ साथ एक supplement के रूप में भी खाया जाता है .यह टेबलेट्स, पाउडर और फ्लैक के रूप में उपलब्ध होता है .मनुष्य के  सेवन करने के अलावा इसका उपयोग मत्स्य पालन के एक्वेरियम में खाद्य के रूप में किया जाता है .यह काफी हद तक protein और Amino acid  से बना होता है और इसीलिए ये शाकाहारियो के लिए फायदेमंद होता है .

आपका वजन घटता क्यों नही है  ? जान लीजि
ये ये पांच कारण Vestige spirulina में कोन कोन से घटक शामिल हैं ?
vestige spirulina  पाउडर के एक चम्मच यानि 7 ग्राम में लगभग 4 ग्राम protein होता है , 11 % vitamin B1 , 15 % vitamin B2 , 16 % vitamin B3 , 20 % कॉपर और 11 % आयरन होता है .साथ ही साथ इसमें मैग्नीशियम , पोटाशियम ,और मेगनीज की भी मात्रा होती है .

What are the benefits of vestige spirulina?
त्वचा की देख भाल के लिए- जरुरी vitamin A, B12 , vitamin E, फोस्फोरस , और केल्सियम आदि पाया जाता है .अपने इन्ही तत्वों की बदोलत vestige spirulina आपकी त्वचा को चमकदार बनाता है .यही नही ये आँखों के नीचे काले धब्बे और Dry eyes के उपचार में भी काम आता है .

vestige spirulina to keep the heart healthy- ये  आपके खून से कोलेस्ट्रोल का लेवल कम करके ,ब्लड प्प्रेशर को कोंट्रोल करता है .इसमें पाय जाने वाले तमाम पोषक तत्वो में कई ऐसे हैं जिनसे ह्रदय  में रक्त का संचार बढ़ता है . 

vestige spirulina in pregnancy - आयरन की प्रचुर मत्रा vestige spirulina  को गर्भवती महिलाओं के लिए जरुरी बानाता है .इसकी सहायता से खून की कमी को दूर किया जा सकता है .कमजोर महिलाओं  के लिए बेहतर साबित हो सकता है .

The use of vestige spirulina in ulcer- उच्च गुणबत्ता की प्रोटीन और Amino acid की इसमें उपस्तिथि है यह दोनों प्रकार के अल्सर को खत्म करने में सक्षम है .इसके अलावा इसमें पाया जाने वाला क्लोरोफिल पाचन शक्ति को बढाता है .

Vestige spirulina in diabetes- डायबिटीस के मरीजो के लिए ये एक चमत्कार से कम नही है यह सुजन को कम करके ब्लड प्रेसर को कम करता है .

Using vestige spirulina to reduce obesity - जिनका बजन बहुत ज्यादा है उनके लिए vestige spirulina  किसी रामबाण से कम नही है .क्युकी इसमें फैटी एसिड , बीटा कोरोटीन , क्लोरोफिल और अन्य पोषक तत्व पाय जाते हैं .ये सब मिलकर आपको शरीर में पाचक तत्वों की उपस्तिथि को बढ़ाते हैं . और आपको भूंख का एहसास कम करते हैं जिससे आपको बजन कम करने में मदद मिलती है .

Benefits of vestige spirulina in cancer - अनेक पोषक तत्वों से परिपूर्ण vestige spirulina  कैंसर के रोकथाम में सर्वधिक भूमिका निभाता है . Antioxidant  के रूप में हमारे शरीर से ख़राब कोशिकायो को नष्ट करता है . इसके अतिरिक्त इसमें फिनोलिक नाम का तत्व पाया जाता है कैंसर को बढ़ने से रोकता है . 

Benefits of vestige spirulina in liver failure- लीवर को दुरुस्त करने में ये काम आता है . vestige spirulina में प्रचुर मात्रा में मोजूद फाइवर और protein आपके लीवर के स्वस्थ्य का ध्यान रखते हैं .

Vestige spirulina for eyes - काई शोधो में vestige spirulina  को आँखों के लिए भी लाभदायक बताया है . आँखों की कइ बीमारियाँ जैसे मोतियाबिंद , और मदुमेह जनित बीमारियाँ इन सब में vestige spirulina  का लाभकारी असर देखा गया है .

Viral infection vestige spirulina का इस्तेमाल viral infection के इलाज में होता है .इसमें सुजन का कम करने वाले तत्व होते हैं .ये हानिकारक मुक्तक कणों को नष्ट करने में असरदार होते हैं. 

 Immunity booster- vestige spirulina  को लेकर कई शोध हुए हैं उसमे कई में ये पता चला है की इसके सेवन से Immunity यानी प्रतिरक्षा तंत्र मजबूत होता है कोशिकाओं का उतपादन बढाने में ये सहायक सिध्ध होता है .

Vestige spirulina in mental stress - vestige spirulina में मोजूद folic acid मष्तिष्क को पोषण देता है इस तरह सेDepressan में ये आपकी मदद करता है . मष्तिष्क को स्वास्थ्य रखने के लिए इसमें फोलिक एसिड और vitamin B12 पाया जाता है .

How to Take vestige spirulina?

vestige spirulina  का एक मानक dose एक से तीन ग्राम होता है . प्रतिदिन 10 ग्राम से ज्यादा उपयोग नही करना चाहिए . इसे जूस या चाय के साथ लिया जा सकता है .